Thanks again to all of you who attended my sessions at the Code Camp over the weekend. I had fun giving it - and the discussion was great.
I'll be posting slides and sample code on the Code Camp web site sometime on Tuesday - sorry about the delay.
Thanks again.
It was a great presentation about Dependency Injection.
In the Jan08 codecamp in Fullerton, Steve Bearman did gove a session in Dependency Injection and another session of Inversion of Control. Steve is more of a high level conception guide, so for me the concept sink in much.
But your 2 sessions were much more lively and the examples were great and realistic. I appreciate it a lot!
I wonder what's the other session of Inversion of Control was about during this Oct08 codecamp in USC... :-)
Yeah, I said that there hadn't been a session at that Code Camp. My faulty memory. As I recall, I could only attend on Saturday, so there were probably a bunch of great IoC and DI sessions on Sunday.
Still, it got me speaking, which has been a hoot.
The other IoC/DI session was right after my last session. I didn't attend, but I spoke with some people who did and they said it covered some different stuff than I did and was quite complementary.
I think thay covered rolling your own DI container, which might have been inspired by this article: Tame Your Software Dependencies for More Flexible Apps.
I'm glad you enjoyed the session. I had a lot of fun too.
Thanks again.
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